Spiritan is an international religious charitable organization that has over 4,000 religious missionaries all over the world. Getting religious visas for them can be very complicated and on many occasions we had their visas refused: until three years ago we engaged the services of White Rose Visas to support us with the applications. White Rose Visas have successfully helped us with an average of 15 applications per year. The staff are highly professional in their work, they handle the anxiety that goes with seeking a visa to the UK with ease; their guidance, hard work and expertise makes the process easy and stress free for our applicants.
This is the summary of my experience with White Rose Visas Company: fantastically friendly and competent staff, professional handlers, effective and accurate UK immigration and Visa advisers, assured service deliverers. Probably the best in UK.
It was a good and positive experience. They were very supportive and know their work very well. God bless.
It an excellent Job done with you guys. Your clearly demonstrated a classical sense of professionalism. Everything was done with Great concern, support, and care. You deserve a medal. You are worth working with. You guys are absolutely my first and best choice in Immigration Matters. Lukas, Tracey you guys were just on point in terms of responding to questions and very supportive. Well done.
What Can White Rose Visas do for You?
We can offer support across the entire Minister of Religion application process, whether you’re an organisation hoping to bring a new minister to the UK, or you’re an applicant needing support with your individual application.
We work to make the sometimes complicated nature of Minister of Religion applications as stress-free as possible for both sponsors and applicants.
How Do I Qualify for a Minister of Religion Visa?
If you’re an applicant, you’ll need the following to apply for a Minister of Religion visa:
Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS). You’ll need a CoS, issued from a licensed sponsor. They must be a faith-related organization, and your job must be in religious leadership or as a key religious worker.
Remuneration / Stipend. You must receive the equivalent support that a local (settled) worker would receive.
English Language. Most applicants will need to prove their knowledge of English to at least a CEFR B2 level by passing an approved English language test. You can also meet this requirement if you’ve passed a recognised academic qualification taught in English.
Money to support yourself You need to hold at least £1,270 (at the time of writing) in your bank account to prove you can support yourself whilst in the UK. Alternatively your sponsor can support your maintenance for you through your certificate.
Can I bring my Family Members to the UK on the Minister of Religion Visa?
Yes, your partner and children can apply to join you in the UK as your dependents as long as they’re eligible. White Rose Visas can support your dependent applications alongside your main visa application.
What Restrictions Are There on a Minister of Religion Visa?
You must work in the role you’ve been sponsored for, but you can take a second job on a Minister of Religion visa in certain circumstances. You will not be able to access public funds.
How Long is the Minister of Religion Visa Granted For?
Initial Minister of Religion visas can be granted for a maximum of three years. After this, applicants can apply to extend their visa for an additional three years.

Does the UK Minister of Religion Visa lead to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)?
The Minister of Religion visa can lead to indefinite leave to remain (ILR), also known as Settlement. You will be eligible to apply for ILR after spending five consecutive years in the UK through the Minister of Religion route.
When applying for ILR, you’ll need your sponsor to confirm you’re still required to fulfill your role You must also continue to receive the same financial support as UK workers in your current role. Your UK absences must be limited to 180 days in any 12 month period and finally, you’ll need to pass the Life in the UK test.
Once you have ILR, you will be eligible to apply for UK Citizenship.
How Do I Become a Sponsor Licence Holder as a Religious Organisation?
To bring religious workers to the UK, organisations need to apply for and maintain a Sponsor Licence. There is no unique licencing route for religious organisations, you will need to go through the main Sponsor Licence process.
White Rose Visas continues to support many faith groups across the UK with their Sponsor Licence duties and new Minister of Religion applications. Find out more about our Sponsor Licence Premium Support Package on our licencing page.
Key Information for UK Minister of Religion Visa Applicants
In other explainers and blog posts, we have covered other key topics relevant to the Minister of Religion visa:
Can I be self-employed on a Minister of Religion Visa?
Ministers are often technically self-employed in the UK. This is allowed under the Minister of Religion route, but you will still need to be sponsored by a licenced sponsor. Our blog explains how this works.
Reverend Father Henry Somah: Case Study
White Rose Visas has supported many complicated Minister of Religion applications in the past. In this case study we outline how we supported Reverend Father Henry Somah on the Minister of Religion route.
Do I need a Skilled Worker licence?
This previous WRV blog post explains when you will need to apply for a Sponsor Licence to sponsor workers, which is relevant information for religious organisations hoping to bring faith workers to the UK.
WRV Sponsor Licence Support
Find out more about how we can support your religious organisation’s Sponsor Licence on our Sponsor Licence services page.