All UK Immigration Resources

How do I make an application through UKVCAS?

Read about the five steps you need to take to apply through the UK Visa Citizenship Application Service (UKVCAS)

How do I make an Entry Clearance application?

If you are resident outside of the UK and are making an initial visa application, you will need to do so via the Entry Clearance process

What are Biometrics, and how are they used in immigration applications?

A guide to how Biometrics are given, both for applications from within the UK, and for Entry Clearance applications.

UKVCAS Service Points

An up to date list of all the UKVCAS Service Points across the UK, including address, post code, and opening times.

Service and Support Centres

An up to date list of all the Service and Support Centres across the UK, including address and post code

Immigration Calculators

On this page we share some of our own calculators that we use to prepare immigration applications - in particular, those that we use to calculate permitted absences.

Can I be self-employed on a Skilled Worker visa?

We are frequently asked whether it is possible to be self-employed on a Skilled Worker visa. The short answer is yes, if you have a licensed sponsor, but the full answer is more complicated ... read the article for more.

Does my family need a new visa when I change jobs?

Many Skilled Worker visa holders have been confused as to whether or not their dependants should also apply for new visas at the same time they apply to switch jobs. We answer this question in this article.

Free online immigration advice

We collect a few of the most useful websites for accessing free immigration advice online.

All services and immigration routes

A summary of all UK Immigration routes, and the service that White Rose Visas offers for each.

Archive: old immigration routes and processes

For historical interest, we collect some of the more significant historical immigration routes and processes - routes which have been (relatively) recently retired by the UK government.

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